Thursday, February 27, 2014

June Summers

Great songwriters come only a dime a dozen, so when you come across one such as June Summers you better pay close attention! June Summers has been one of the most consistent at bringing a solid delivery every time an opportunity is presented to him. His style and flow is like no other. 
To check out some of his latest work Click Here  

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Time To Live

How do smokers kick the habit? This seems to be the question for many people in this day and age of healthy living. lets take a look at all the possibilities that could happen if you don't quit. first example is sickness. People don't realize that smoking kills your immune system. 

Lets look at life for a second. Do we as a people truly treasure our time on this earth? If not we really need to wake up and smell the coffee. Time is not going to stop ticking so everyday one should think about the actions that effect their life. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Great Songwriters On The Rise

The seasons of great music is coming back check out June Summers. A very brilliant mind beyond his day. Click Here for more info.

Monday, February 24, 2014

New Songwriter/Producer

There is a new Songwriter/Producer coming up in the music industry. His EP is an inspirational uplifting mixture of Soul, and Gospel. To Here his NEW EP Proclaim Click Here